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Life Coaching
Let's Do This!
Outline for Today:
1. Quick Intros with Possible Listening Exercise
2. What is Confidence? (use of easel & pad)
3. Meditation/Visualization Exercise
4. Breakout into 2-4 people and answer the question What do you think is required to Stand up for your consent & boundaries? Why Confidence? Give at least one example you can think of where when confidence was / was not there and consent / boundaries was easy or not easy to uphold for you or someone else? (Talk after about - use of easel & pad)
5. Quick overview - Going over the tool kit
6. Exercise - Take Inventory - Break out with 2-3 people - Go over the Questions.
Anything said here stays here.
2. Use the mic to talk and don't talk over others.
3. Use I statements.
4. Use observation rather than evaluation words.
5. ask for what you want in return.
6. ask what they want in return.
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